Monday, June 20, 2011

Going Back to Peru

Last year, I went with my church to Hauraz, Peru, for a weeklong trip to work with the Quechua people of the Andes mountains. The Quechua people are "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd" (Matthew 9:36). Our mission was to share the Good News of the Good Shepherd with them. God moved me deeply for these people. I felt gut-wrenching sorrow for these people and found myself wanting to scream out "Believe in Christ!" I hated to leave, but I rejoice that God is giving me the opportunity to go back.

We are returning to Peru on July 15-24 of this year. Our team will be doing some VBS activities with children in a village, as well as some teaching with the adults as well. Also, we are going to be helping our host family, the Rockwells, with some repairs and work needed around the Center (where they live and work from). We are also planning a conference for pastors, to help them better learn how to shepherd.

God has been incredibly good in providing this opportunity for me again. I look forward to all he will do in and through our team this year. I hope that you will join us on your knees for this trip. Here's how you can pray for us:

UNITY - There will be 12 people going on this trip, from teenagers to senior saints. There will be planning issues, personality differences, and various other trials that will test our strength. Pray that God would cause us to love one another so that we will demonstrate Christ well to the Quechua people (see John 13:34-35)

The Quechua need to believe in Jesus, and so be saved. Pray that the Quechua will be thirsty and look to Christ for drink (John 7:37). Pray that the Holy Spirit would cause many of them to be born again (John 3:3-8).

PROVISION - The cost of this trip will be about $2100 for each person. This money is coming entirely from donations. Pray that God will supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19).

If God is leading you to give, you can make checks payable to WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. For the memo line, write Peru: Charles R. Higham. Checks can be mailed to 230 Alice Dr., Sumter, SC 29150. No gift is too small to give.

Thank you in advance or your partnership with us as we seek to take the gospel to the Quechua!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

God Meant It For Good: Celebrating My Spiritual Birthday

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. (Genesis 50:20)

Today, June 18, I turn 15 years old in Christ. And looking back over my life, though it hasn't all been pleasant, God has been in it, working for my good and his glory. So I thought it would be fitting today to share some of God's working in my life. I pray that you would be encouraged by my story and that you would celebrate God's gift of salvation with me on this important day.

Genesis 50:20 is a verse that has taken me years to understand. In fact, I still don't grasp it in all of its fullness. But God has graciously shown me that I am where I am today in spite of the evil done to me because of his good intentions amidst the evil.

You Meant Evil Against Me
This is probably one of the hardest blog posts to write. In fact, I have been struggling with writing it for months. But I feel my story needs to be told for two reasons. First, so that others who may be in the same place may be able to see God's grace in the midst of it. And second, because it's a reminder to me how God has been faithful despite everything that has happened. What I'm writing here is something that few who know me actually know. I will not recount my whole life story, but rather focus on one thing: a great evil done to me.

From the ages of 11-16, I was sexually abused. I will not name my perpetrator here, nor will I give much detail. It took me years to understand that what was happening was indeed abuse. And I didn't tell anyone until several years later.

The time of being abused was very difficult for me. I felt ashamed. Guilty. Like I had done something wrong. I was confused. Devasted. It left me without a sense of who I was, and I came to doubt that God cared for me or could even love me. I became bitter and depressed, lashing out in anger often. When I was 13, I was near suicidal, contemplating whether or not I should continue to try in life. I hated everything. I had reached the end of myself, but had nowhere to turn.

But God Meant It For Good
God had great mercy on me during this time. He set it up so that I would go to church camp the week of June 17-21, 1996. That Tuesday night, June 18, I realized that I needed God's forgiveness and that Christ died so that I could be saved. I also realized that my life was a mess and that Jesus looked better to me than the ways I had been managing. I asked Jesus into my life, and for the first time I realized that God did in fact love me.

There was a dramatic change in my life. I was lashing out less and less in anger. I started doing well in school. While depression remained, I didn't see suicide as an option. Instead, I saw more and more that God was walking with me through the pain and confusion I was dealing with. He was leading me to where he wanted me to be.

The abuse still continued for a few more years, as did the guilt, the shame, and the silence. I am having to learn what forgiveness is and how to go about it. I still struggle with identity and my sense of self. Some of the painful effects remain to this day. But I no longer face it alone. I may not know who I am, but I know whose I am, and that makes all the difference. I am a child of God. And the truth that he speaks over me is more important than the lies of a thousand evils done against me. I am learning to trust my heavenly Father as he leads me into all the good that he planned from the start.

I may be 28 years old, but today, I am 15 in Christ. He saved me, gave me new life, and made me his own child by the blood of his Son Jesus, who loved me and gave himself for me. Praise God for his good work in me!