I find myself asking what it would be like to have Spider-man's powers. Or to have Jedi powers (or Sith powers - admit it: you want to shoot lighting out of your fingers and be able to force choke, too!). Or to have Superman's powers. Invulnerability. Heat vision. Super-speed. Flight. Perfect hair. And don't forget X-ray vision...
Sadly, I've never had superpowers, and likely I never will. But since I've never had and never will have superpowers, does that mean that I'm no superman? That I'm just a regular guy, destined to lead a regular life and just do regular things until I join regular people in the ground? NO!!!
We Are Not Powerless
Just because you can't fly or shoot webs or heal yourself from anything doesn't mean you don't have power. Think about Superman for a moment. Where does his power come from? He is fueled and strengthened by the yellow sun. Any other sun will not do.
Likewise, we have power given to us from outside of us: from God's Son. Listen to the apostle Paul as he describes people caught up in all the suffering and trouble that life can present: "in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37).
It doesn't matter what life throws at us: famine, danger, persecution, cancer, death, disease. We are super-conquerors in Jesus. These things may hurt us, but they cannot and will not destroy us. Why? Because Christ has loved us and given himself up for us (Galatians 2:20). God himself has loved us, and there is no power in heaven, on earth, or even in Hell that can break the love he has for his children in Christ (Romans 8:38-39).
How do we go on in the darkest and most difficult times in life? Is it by making peace with ourselves? By looking at the 'positive side' of things? By 'getting over it' and just being tough? No. None of these things will provide us with the hope we need to stand in our faith. Only knowing that God our Father and Jesus Christ are totally for us helps us in those times.
So, in the words of a song by Broken Walls: "Rise Up, Mighty Warrior." Your Christ has loved you and made you strong to stand amidst life's greatest trials!